About Us

Arcturus Publishing Limited is dedicated to creating books that appeal to a broad, international market. Our books aim to combine excellent content, attractive design, great production values and exceptional value for money.

Our non-fiction ranges cover reference, practical art, new age, classics, puzzles and children’s books and we now have more than a 1,000 active titles in our list.

We produce books for the traditional bookstores, for supermarkets, for schools and libraries and for a range of marketing and promotional uses, and the key element to everything we publish is that it aims to be an intelligent and entertaining bridge between the subject and the reader.


Arcturus actively sells to all territories throughout the world. We will always consider books from an international perspective from the editorial viewpoint to allow for simplest translation, file manipulation and collaboration. If you should be interested in acquiring rights for any of our titles please contact rights@arcturuspublishing.com


While we will continue to dream up best selling book ideas and publish them for the book loving public, we are also keen to establish partnerships with other organisations to bring different skill sets and intellectual property pools together. Arcturus offers a direct route to both traditional and non-traditional retailers’ shelves and tables around the world, along with good editorial and commercial skills, to partner with companies with great content who are looking to come up with book and digital products to support their brands. We currently work with brands including Allen Carr’s Easyway International, Kew Gardens and Bletchley Park.